Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week 2

We had a great second week of school.  I am amazed at how much information Doc has memorized.  She loves the songs and motions.  Even Superhero likes the fact that he knows his timeline from Creation to China's Shang Dynasty.  It's kinda cute.

So here are some pictures of what we did this week:

The letter of the week was 'B'.  I decide what letter based on which section Doc is in her book, Get Ready for the Code.  There are about 10 pages per letter so it works well.  Here are some things we did to reinforce that letter:

B is for Batman

B is for Boy holding a Broom

B is for Boy in a Boat

Here are the books we read.  The bottom left is 'Boy of the Pyramids'.  I actually read this one, not the kids.  I think it will be a great book for them when they're a little older.  I enjoyed it.  Their favorite was 'The Day of Ahmed's Secret' - great story.  They really enjoyed the books about Ancient Egypt as well.


Doc finished her 10 Commandments craft and reviewed all of them.  I then used the week to study Ancient Egypt.  The kids had a blast.

She loved working on her lapbook

Where in the world was Ancient Egypt?

I also let them watch this video.  They were very interested and had lots of questions.


She colored a 5 Kingdoms coloring page.


She is loving these skip counting mazes.  I just let her mark up to x12.

Meanwhile in Tot School...


  1. Love your blog! Found it through Virginia Tillery's blog :-)

    1. Aww, thanks a bunch. Don't have a whole lot of time for blogging but I really don't want to forget the fun memories we've made.
