Friday, August 17, 2012

...and that's a wrap!!

We made it through the first week of school.  I am so excited about what the rest of the school year holds.  We are all much more pleasant during the day; the kids do well entertaining themselves after school (they're stuck with me for ~4 hours so when school is done for the day they don't want to be with mommy:)); we're all waking up early so much more gets done during the day.

My previous post described what we learned this week, particularly, the 1st day.  Tuesday was our first day at CC.  My two younger kids were in the nursery while Doc and I went to the opening assembly and class.  She did amazingly well.  Parents are required to stay in the classroom.  I had so much fun hanging out with my girl and watching how she interacted with her tutor and classmates.  She surprised me: every student had to go in front of the class for presentations.  She did so well answering the questions from her tutor.  By the way, her favorite animal is a fly:)`
1st day of CC

Practicing OiLS in class

For the rest of the week here at home we reviewed and I taught Geography, History and Science.  Doc also finished letter 'F' in Get Ready for the Code.  We're slowly continuing Teaching Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.  WE READ LOTS OF BOOKS relating to the topics.  Can I just say I love that I can place books on hold at the library:)  It's a huge help (not that I don't like browsing) especially when the book I want is at another branch.

*NOTE for Math she has been filling out these sheets and playing math games on the iPad (Playful Minds).


 Reviewing prepositions by playing a game similar to this one.

At home OiLS

 Tracing and coloring the Fertile Crescent


 Working on Commandments 1-5 craft


 I taught her the concept of classification by reading from a biology website.  After, I threw several blocks on the floor and told her to classify them (without any further explanation).  She immediately began to sort them.  I was so excited to see that she grasped the concept by merely listening and comprehending what I had read to her.  SO COOL!!
(Miss Priss was such a big helper handing her the pieces)

Superhero has been with us while reviewing and playing games.  He loves the CC songs (they help with memory work) and has them memorized as well as Doc.  His favorite thing is listening to Have Fun Teaching skip counting songs on Youtube.  We did 1s and 2s.  Great way to get in our exercise in the morning:)

Matching Upper Case and Lower Case

Classical Conversations Weekly Link-Up

Monday, August 13, 2012

New Year, Great Memories

Well, we started school today.  I don't know about anyone else but while I was still in school, the night before the first of classes was filled with excitement and nervousness.  Can anyone else relate?  I've got to say, being the teacher makes these feelings even greater.  In fact, at one point in the middle of the night, I woke up and was wide awake for about an hour.  That didn't stop me, though, from getting up at 6:30 ready to seek God's guidance, get the coffee going, and set the table for breakfast.  I haven't been disciplined all summer in waking up that early.  Gotta say, though, I sure got a lot done.

The kids were excited to get things going and wanted to begin school ASAP.  However, I feel it's important for our family to accomplish certain tasks before.  So, the kids quickly ate their Honey and Wheat Waffles, brushed their teeth, spread their beds, and changed their clothes.  I was able to get a load of towels in the wash.  (Don't know if we can keep this momentum going but would love for us to).

This week's memory work that we will be expanding on at home includes the following:
Ten Commandments 1- 5

What is a Preposition?

1's and 2's Skip Counting

Fertile Crescent Area

What are the classifications of living things?

Five elements of drawing.

We had our Bible (Exodus 20)/Prayer time, Calendar time then Doc did a little writing practice (C - Commandments).

We then read a couple books about prepositions and a book relating the science topic that we will be re-reading during the week in preparation for reading responses.  I wanted to involve Superhero in some of Doc's memory work so we played a preposition game I found on Pinterest.  We decided to name the boy.  Doc chose 'Jack' and Superhero agreed.  So there, he has a name:)  I read a few prepositions of location and the kids had to place the fly in the right place.

I wanted to work with Doc on skip counting and her Get Ready for the Code book (letter F) so Superhero had his own letter F sheets to work on.

Superhero was ready to go play with his sensory tub so I encourage him to practice 'full' and 'empty' emphasizing the f is for 'full'... then he decided burying cars would be more fun:)

We then had a break which ended up being everyone, including Miss Priss, playing with the sensory tub (no pics due to the necessity of my eyes fixated on my 1 year old playing with beans).

I found some youtube videos relating to prepositions.  They really enjoyed those:)  I had another preposition game which allowed Doc to practice cutting and Superhero to practice colors.

Then, it was time for lunch so I could do my grocery shopping for the rest of the week.  We got back home, unloaded the groceries and while Superhero and Miss Priss had quiet/rest time, Doc and I worked on her first lesson in Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.

Overall, a great day.  THANK YOU GOD!  and all my encouraging family and friends.

Tomorrow is our first Classical Conversations class.  WE ARE PUMPED!!!

Classical Conversations Weekly Link-Up

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Integration the CC way!

Can't believe summer is almost over for us.  School begins August 13 and I am both excited and nervous for what's to come.  We are using the Classical Conversations Program (CC) as our main curriculum for Eden.  I mentioned in my previous post what CC is all about and if you follow me on Pinterest, you know that I've been planning like crazy:)

During the Parent Practicum I attended back in March, we were given examples on how to apply the idea of Integration in teaching our kids.  I can't think of a better way teach.  It is a great tool to help the kids make the connections across all subjects.  It also helps reinforce the theme and thus helps the information 'stick'.  Basically, you pick a theme and tie that theme into all the subjects.  So, I decided to do it once this school year.  Since we will be learning about volcanoes for two weeks, I figured that would allow plenty of time to integrate all the subjects.

I created a graphic organizer to have a visual and help organize everything:

Geography - map the major volcanoes in Mexico since History for week 16 & 17 is Mesoamerica (Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs)

Literature - Hill of Fire by Thomas P. Lewis; Voyage to the Volcano by Judith Samper (Sequencing of Events)

Bible - There is only ONE God

Science -* Show 4 kinds of volcanoes and parts of a volcano using a classification chart
               *Make a volcano outside

History - *Ancient Olmec mythology (Orizaba was an eagle spirit that formed Citlaltepetl [dormant volcano]. The Olmec believed that they were to hike and pray to the god at the volcano to prevent the god from getting upset and erupting in fury)  
               *Popocatepetl - Active volcano                                                                                                                                            
               *Hernan Cortes and Aztecs
               *A little Belize History (since I'm from Belize)

Art - Aztec Art (Aztec volcanic vision)

Math/Logic - Geometry (triangles, cones)

I'm allowed to change my mind;)

So, are you one of those people who heard me say not even a year ago that I didn't think I could homeschool?  Well, God has a sense of humor.  He has been constantly reminding me that of course I can't do it on my own.  If this is what he wants me to do then He will give me the strength, endurance, and patience.  After all, if we could do everything in our own efforts, there would be no reason to rely on Him and ultimately give Him all the glory.

A friend of mine introduced me to a program called Classical Conversations (CC).  All I have to say is, this program make sense.  It just does.  Homeschooling now has a whole new purpose and meaning to me.  In fact, I think I'm going to adopt Leigh Bortins' (founder and CEO of CC) words and use Home-Centered Education instead.  I figure it doesn't carry a certain stereotype with it.

Here's a visual of Classical Christian Education and what this program is all about.

God is the center of everything and all the subjects have God in them and reflect Him.  Not only that, there is integration among the subjects.  So I could be teaching something in history and find a mathematical problem in it, or a science experiment that ties in with that time.  I could find literature from that time period or do an art project.  I truly believe that kids will be able to grasp a concept a lot quicker if he/she sees it in different areas of study.  The program equips students with the skills needed to learn.  So no matter what situation they are placed in later on in life, they have the skills to teach themselves.

Here are some of the reasons why we have chosen to do this program:

1. My kids are guided to memorize a lot of information while their brains are like sponges, so that when they apply that information in later grades, they already have the 'grammar' quickly accessible.

2. An opportunity for my kids to make new friends and be in a classroom setting

3. I will be learning with them and that is REALLY exciting.  I really do enjoy school.

4. Being a big science person, I'm drawn to the fact that the kids do a science experiment each week.

5.  Kids from prek-4 get practice with public speaking

6.  All I have to really focus on at home is arithmetic, handwriting, and phonics.

7. I really love Leigh's purpose for this program - 'to know God and to make Him known'.

I attended the Parent Practicum a couple weeks ago and I was encouraged by all the other moms there.  I was excited to meet some many new moms to the program, as well.  It felt good that I wasn't the only one new to this.   The two older kids were in Play Camp all day (they actually learned about Africa for three days and they still remember what they learned).

Now that I have the curriculum guide, I can't wait to plan this next school year.  I'm thrilled to go on this journey with my kids.